Friday, November 12, 2010

Acid Rain Sketch

What is Being Done?

One option is to use coil that contains less sulfur. Another great way to reduce acid rain is to produce energy without using fossil fuels. Most acid rain is caused by cars that pollute the air, to reduce this we can ride our bicycles to near places that we are used to go in our cars.

_:Food Web:_

A food web is a diagram that explains the feeding relationship between deffrent animals. An animal that is on the top of the food web eats the many other plants or animals in the low part of a food web. The high animals are the predadors and the low animals are the pray.

Acid rain does affect the food web. Like I explained before. Imagine the algee dies because of the acid rain, and the fish eat algee, but there's no more! Now the fishes die because they have nothing to eat. Now the crocodiles pray is dead too, so he doesn't have anything to eat either, and he also dies. You see, every single change affects everything!

pH Scale

How does pH affect animals?

It affects more in the water, were it contains. A minimum change in the acid level, is able to kill everything.